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Install nvidia drivers on arch


As for why not nouveau but nvidia

Things could be different when using different kernels.

You might need to install the kernel headers: linux-headers. For other kernels like zen(which is what i'm using) it's linux-zen-headers.

Install nvidia/nvidia-lts package for linux/linux-lts kernel, and nvidia-dkms for other kernels like zen which is what i'm using.

dkms provide build and install functionality for every other kernels.
For more details on dkms: https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Dynamic_Kernel_Module_Support#Installation

Don't forget to install nvidia-utils and lib32-nvidia-utils.

Additional note, if you find your self with AMD Ryzen cpu with intergrated gpu maybe it's better not to use nvidia-open(-lts/dkms) until this issue solved.